WR110 Weather Radar
FURUNO's meteorological monitoring and analysing system Ref : WR-110Weather Radar
PRICE : NCDescription
A radar capable of understanding extreme weather better than any other
There are a number of differing opinions globally on how to approach problems caused by extreme weather. These include short localized rainstorms, snowstorms, tornadoes, landslides and other life threatening phenomena that are increasing worldwide. Subsequently the urgent need for more localized weather forecasting is required in order to protect human life and assets against these unexpected natural disasters.

Numerous fields of application
FURUNO's new weather Radars are compact and easily installed on building roofs and mountain tops. This is something inconceivable even a few years ago. Both ease of installation and transportability allows flexibility for countless applications and utilizations. These Radars provide comprehensive disaster prevention solutions for all situations.

Compact, lightweight and Solid-state
Our Weather Radars utilize solid state technology reducing overall operating and maintenance costs thanks to low power consumption and fewer required replacement parts. Moreover our solid state technology provides high precision monitoring of precipitation with a wide range of signal processing and data format capabilities.

Simple and quick installation
No heavy machinery needed to transportation or install the Radar. It can easily be installed by a two person crew. Power requirement is a standard AC power outlet used for domestic appliances (100V/200V). The Radar can be installed practically anywhere without special structures or configurations.

Product advantages
FURUNO, which maintains the leading market share in marine Radar now presents its two X-band Weather Doppler Radars, the single polarimetric WR110 and the dual polarimetric WR2120.
The WR110 single polarimetric Radar is extremely efficient for normal rain observations.
- Operating Temperature Range: -10 to +50°C (Start-up), -20 to +50°C (In operation)
- Maximum Wind Survival Speed: 90 m/s
- Power Supply: 100-240 VAC, Single phase, 50/60 Hz
- Power Consumption: 350 W max., 200 W typ.
- Antenna Polarization: Single polarization (Horizontal)
- Operating Frequency: 9.4 GHz band
- Pulse Width: 0.5 - 50 ?s
- Pulse Repetition Frequency(PRF): up to 2,000Hz
- Beam Width: 2.7 degrees
- Peak Output Power: 100 W
- Vertical Scan Angle: -2 to 182 degrees (adjustable)
- Antenna Rotation Speed: 0.5 ? 10 rpm
- Observation Range: 70 km max.
- Scan Modes: PPI, Volume Scan, Sector PPI, Sector RHI
- Output Parameters: Reflectivity factor Zh (dBZ), Doppler velocity V (m/s),Doppler velocity width W (m/s), Rainfall intensity Rain (mm/h)
- Data Correction: Distance and Rain attenuation, Doppler Velocity Folding
- Doppler Speed: +/-64 m/s
- Available Data Formats: CF/Radial, Opera Odim HDF5, CF-compliant NetCDF (rain only) Grib2 (rain only)